Used to align and purify all chakras, allowing for the Rainbow Light Body activation and integration
Transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration
Deepens communication and spiritual attunement by activating soul energy, freeing one from limitation
Activates the third eye chakra, stimulating psychic gifts such as clairvoyance and intuition
A strong protective stone, blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from your environment
Cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration, excellent for grounding
See the truth within yourself; both past and present, offering growth through introspection
A very soothing stone that aids in reducing stress, increasing calm and easing anxiety
Promotes positivity, happiness and a childlike playfulness to breakdown barriers you may have
A highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy
Thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, it aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable
A good deflector of unwanted energies, and is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral
A very lucky stone that instills prosperity and wealth by harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit
Aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly, encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels
Activates the higher mind, enhances intellectual ability, and stimulates knowledge, truth, and understanding
Grounds your energy to Mother Earth, providing strength and courage during our most tumultuous times
Increases your sensitivity to the vibrational energy and enhances your intuition, telepathy, and guidance
Enkindles optimism, enthusiasm, creativity, and allows for the release of inhibitions inspiring love and passion
Alleviates anger, fear, depression, nervousness, anxiety, and jealousy by balancing one's emotions
Clears negativity, attracts prosperity, and strengthens the mind encouraging greater self-expression
Connects one to higher spiritual planes, enhances precognition or prior knowledge of an event, and the gift of prophecy
Brings love, joy, and light into your life by helping to soften and ease the effects of shock or fear
Promotes courage, strength, and vitality while also supporting centeredness and grounding
Encourages confidence, ambition, motivation, and vitality while helping to release anxiousness
Aids in good health, enhances stamina, and increases the amount of chi, or life force, in one's aura
Focuses the mind, promoting mental clarity and assisting us to resolve problems objectively
Integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energizing the soul
Lowers stress and tension in the heart by promoting unconditional love and infinite peace
Increase the ability to concentrate, obtain clarity and peace of mind, as well as improve memory
Puts off an exceptionally high level of energy and is said to bring physical and mental balance and stability
Stimulate sensuality, grant a sense of awareness, invoke tranquility, and awaken divine thoughts
Evokes protection from the angelic realm and dispels negative energy from outside influences
A powerful protection, healing and detoxifying stone that is extremely beneficial for boosting your overall health and energy
Strengthens the throat and third eye chakra, providing increased access to the Akashic Records
Stimulates the physical body and mind, increasing endurance and elevating energy levels
Aids in developing psychic abilities, balances one's emotions and clears blocked energy
Brings truth and balance to the mind, body, and spirit, and is especially empowering for accepting change and transformation
Encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth, intuition, and aids with the verbalization of feelings
One of the most powerful crystals to aid in the development of one’s latent psychic abilities
Protects from negative thoughts while amplifying the energies focused through it
Increases serenity, creativity, empathy, sensitivity, intuition, and wisdom which leads to greater self-realization
Balances the emotional and spiritual bodies, and provides gentle release of energetic blockages
Enhances integrity, self-control, and practicality to encourage the correct use of one's powers
Disclaimer: Metaphysical crystal properties are spiritual supports to alternative healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. Should you have any medical questions, please consult a licensed practitioner.